Thanks to our friend Gene, we would like to share a video of our latest song, "Chag Sameach"
The Lumbrosos |
Thanks for all the folks who invited us to attend, sing, worship, play, do the youth group pageant, and all the other things we did together at Hanukkah! It was fun!
Thanks to our friend Gene, we would like to share a video of our latest song, "Chag Sameach"
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We had such a wonderful time in Salem last night! What a great group of people! Thanks to everyone for joining in with the music, in worship and dance! So, it looks like that new song is going to be a blessing! It sure is a happy song for all the feasts and it is hard to not get up and DANCE, DANCE, DANCE! Don't you agree? "Hag Sameach, Hag Sameach, Sisou Vesimchou!"
We got out of there very late, and we saw something that is as rare as hen's teeth in Estacada: A WALMART! So here we go, into pick up the last necessary shopping we had to do, AFTER MIDNIGHT! We grabbed a bite to eat and crawled through the dense fog on our way back to Estacada. We did get in just before 2 am, and curled up in front of the woodstove, cozy and content! I have had a happy melody for quite a while, and Patrick has been listening to it as he drives around. He calls it a "Jumpy melody" (cute, eh?) Well we just sat down and in a very short time came up with a new song! This is a really happy, upbeat, a bit Klezmer style song, that celebrates HaShem's victories for His People. We follow the story from Moses, to Queen Esther, the Macabees, and Messiah. It is going to be a fun song to dance to and I think the kids will like it too because it tells a story with a bounce! I have to giggle thinking about it!
We will be doing this song at all of our Hanukkah worship services: Dec 21st in Salem, Dec 23 and 24th at the local synagogues, and on the 27th at our yearly "Hanukkah Whoop de doo" in Estacada. Hope to see you at one of these and you can give us some feedback on the new song! We just got an invitation from Messianic Dance Camps International to do the worship at their Dance Camp in Malibu California over the Memorial Day weekend. Still in the early stages of planning... but it all goes as planned it will be a very inspiring time for all!
Our little congregation will be hosting an evening with Ted Pearce on February 4, 2012. We will start early with dancing and finger foods and fellowship and let him take it from there. It will be on 112th and Powell. If you aren't on the mailing list, please sign up at [email protected] Hope to see you there!
Christine will be at the Haddassah Hanukkah Bazaar at Temple Neveh Shalom where she will be selling Judaica.
Make sure that you come by to see the Youth Group Hanukkah Program at Congregation Shma Yisrael in the evening of December 23, and at Ari Yehuda on December 24th in the afternoon. Then, all are welcome to a wonderful Hanukkah Party on December 27th at the Lumbrosos. (Please send us a note if you plan to attend... if we have lots of folks we will rent a hall) We have a few events in January wher |
August 2022
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