We got a surprising phone call today, from an appliance store. "Someone would like to buy you a fridge, but we need the specifications as to size, color and ice maker etc...." WHAT?!! "They wish to remain anonymous.. and the fridge will be delivered to you later today or tomorrow morning..." WAHOO! Baruch Hashem! Praise be to God! Most of you all know how badly we need the fridge... with the door not closing, and the food in the back freezing, and the food in the front not keeping cold. But this was such an unexpected surprise! We are so thankful! We feel so blessed, we feel so loved. Special blessings to whoever you are that saw our need and blessed us.
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Along with singing in several different places this Sukkot, we did take time to just enjoy the fellowship of our dear friends in our Sukka, carefully made by Patrick and our son, Emmanuel. I think they did a great job!
We had a wonderful time in Camas at the Sukkot gathering. Nice warm cozy group!
AND, by the way, I met so many folks that were so encouraging about our latest CD! Thanks! AND I heard that many of you have wanted to write but hesitated. PLEASE DON'T Hesitate! We need your encouragement, and we love to hear more from you. So please drop us a line and we look forward to meeting you when we come to worship with you all! We will be in Canby tomorrow, and then back to Camas on Friday and Saturday. We will keep you posted! See you soon! Our keyboard suffered a broken key, but is now healed and back in time for Shabbat! And Yom Kippur! We had a beautiful fast day of prayer and then we broke the fast with our dear friends. It was a beautiful day, and Patrick and I took a short walk in the nearby woods... in the beautiful Creation. It was very refreshing.
Rehearsal today.. and gearing up for Sukkot. After Rehearsal, Patrick and Eman will be putting up our Sukka so I can decorate it. Our ever faithful Roland keyboard suffered a broken limb (a key) and is in the hospital. The poor thing can't C#! We are really hoping that the guy will do the job in the necessary time, and that he won't overcharge. There wasn't a lot of time to search, and we are concerned that the technician was different in his quote when we saw him, than what he was on the phone. We are praying he will be honest and hopefully everything will be okay and we will have the Roland back at the end of the week.
Ron was over last night and after our Shabbat Fellowship we had some time to practice. We are back to putting everything in order, so that we can be a dynamic team for the upcoming Sukkot Celebrations. AND, we got a treat last night: Ron has come up with his own composition which is the Lord's Prayer in Hebrew. SO we are looking forward to working with him to add this to our new list of songs.
August 2022