History on "The Lumbroso" family.
After the Spanish Inquisition launched its attack on the Jewish people living in Spain in the 1400's, an "Anousim" (forced convert) man by the name of Luis De Carvajal was sent to the New World - what is now Mexico - to be a governor there. Far from the grips of the Inquisition, Luis De Carvajal began to revive his Jewish roots and to incorporate Torah teachings into his lifestyle, such as keeping the Sabbath, teaching Torah and keeping the Levitical feasts. Inspired and illuminated by rediscovering his Jewish roots and his return to Torah, he changed his name to Joseph LUMBROSO. The meaning of Lumbroso is "enlightened" and he felt truly enlightened at this discovery. The Spanish inquisitors eventually came, and instead of seeing the colonists propagating Catholicism, they saw a revival in what they considered to be Judaism. Joseph Lumbroso was eventually discovered and martyred, along with his sister, Isabel de Carvajal who was apparently the first woman ever to have been martyred by the Spanish Inquisition in Mexico. His other siblings carried the name LUMBROSO to Portugal and his descendants spread throughout Portugal, Italy and Tunisia. Isaac Lumbroso, Patrick Gabriel's ancestor, was the Chief Rabbi and Judge in Tunis during the 18th century. He brought forth another Joseph Lumbroso who was Patrick's great-grandfather. Patrick's father was born in Tunisia. He and the rest of his family were pushed out of Tunisia during the time that the Germans trying to fight the British armies in Tunisia. At that time most Jewish households were requisitioned in Tunis. Thankfully one of the Lumbroso siblings had an apartment in Paris and their family relocated to France just after WWII. Patrick Gabriel was born in Paris, France and later made Aliyah as a young teen where he was bar-mitzvah'ed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
For more about The Lumbroso Name:
Patrick Gabriel Lumbroso![]() P. Gabriel Lumbroso was born in Paris, France, a descendent of a long line of the Lumbroso Marrano family who have an extensive Jewish history. He was a dedicated member of Zionist Youth Groups in France from an early age leading up to the time of his Bar Mitzvah at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Eventually P. Gabriel made “Alliya” as a young teen where he did his studies at an Ulpan farm/school for young immigrants.
Still seeking, he befriended a young man on a trip to Europe who shared Isaiah 53 with him and taught him about Mashiach. This was a turning point on his spiritual journey for Yeshua. Gabriel met and married his wife, Christina, while in France, and they spent years abroad in Christian outreach from Eastern Europe to S.E. Asia. They have six grown children and presently reside in the USA. In addition to running a Torah study group in Oregon and spending much of his time teaching the Jewish roots of Christian faith, he also teaches French and Hebrew privately and in an alternative school. He and his wife also compose and play in their Messianic/Israeli music band called "The Lumbrosos" and released their first CD album in July 2011. They now have 3 CDs released. |
Christine Lumbroso![]() Christine Lumbroso is a native Oregonian. Married to Patrick for more than 30 years, they have six grown children. Christine met Patrick in France, and together they served Messiah in the East Block, Europe and nearly 10 years in S.E. Asia.
Christine teaches music, tutors children, and plays keyboard, guitar and does vocals. She also creates designer jewelry, paints, and does many arts and crafts that are available in our shop. Personal Note: " I love people. People fascinate me-- how each one is an individual. I love communication, and languages. I love arts and crafts, jewelry design, water color painting, drawing, oil painting. I love writing music, and playing piano, arranging music, voices in harmony. I love teaching-- love to see the light go on. I seek communion with the Creator, My Heavenly Father, and a greater understanding of Messiah. |
Koveh Adonai CD song background
Koveh Adonai reminds us that in times of trouble Hashem will give us wings of Eagles and will strengthen the weary.
Ma Navu tells us how beautiful are the feet of them who bring good tidings, who bring Yeshua, Salvation, to us.
The Ancient Olive Tree tells us the history of the kingdon from it's beginning.
Vayikrah Sh'mo , or "And He shall be called" gives the many names of Messiah: wonderful, counselor, Prince of Peace among others.
Out of Bozra: Messiah returns and He is mighty to save.
Ma Navu tells us how beautiful are the feet of them who bring good tidings, who bring Yeshua, Salvation, to us.
The Ancient Olive Tree tells us the history of the kingdon from it's beginning.
Vayikrah Sh'mo , or "And He shall be called" gives the many names of Messiah: wonderful, counselor, Prince of Peace among others.
Out of Bozra: Messiah returns and He is mighty to save.
"The Ancient Olive Tree" What does it mean?
The creative process is an amazing, and sometimes mysterious phenomenon. For a majority of our music, I, Christina, usually write the music. It comes as a simple melody of just a few notes. I actually have a book with the beginnings of several melodies, waiting to be awakened with lyrics. Patrick Gabriel is really the poet. Even though English is his third language, he is passionate about Torah and teaching some important principle. He is usually busily engrossed in his work... writing a class, or a newsletter, something for the fire department, or his new book. I usually have to be creative to try to get him from his other work to write some lyrics for a new tune that I have.
Something special happened though with this song this time. I was just "doodling" on the key board and mentioned to Patrick how I liked this little melody. He listened and then said, "The OLIVE TREE!!" and immediately sat down and began composing the lyrics. He was really in the moment and getting inspired, but the problem was...... I hadn't completed the melody yet!! But I couldn't stop because the lyrics were really flowing! There was a time when he said, "So, now... what is next? How does the chorus go?" "Uh.... well..... uh... it goes like this..." and I just composed on the spot. We sat down and as always, he tweaked the melody and I tweaked the words and after a short time, we looked at each other and said, "Wow! It's really deep... but what does it mean?" It's like the Lord gave us the words and music and it surpassed our natural understanding. We realized that it is really just the story of the Kingdom... Messiah, Israel, His People, Persecution of His people throughout the ages, and bringing us to the present time. It wasn't until just a few days before we recorded that we added the ending in Hebrew, which is a verse from Psalms that says, " Your Kingdom and Your Throne is established forever."
Something special happened though with this song this time. I was just "doodling" on the key board and mentioned to Patrick how I liked this little melody. He listened and then said, "The OLIVE TREE!!" and immediately sat down and began composing the lyrics. He was really in the moment and getting inspired, but the problem was...... I hadn't completed the melody yet!! But I couldn't stop because the lyrics were really flowing! There was a time when he said, "So, now... what is next? How does the chorus go?" "Uh.... well..... uh... it goes like this..." and I just composed on the spot. We sat down and as always, he tweaked the melody and I tweaked the words and after a short time, we looked at each other and said, "Wow! It's really deep... but what does it mean?" It's like the Lord gave us the words and music and it surpassed our natural understanding. We realized that it is really just the story of the Kingdom... Messiah, Israel, His People, Persecution of His people throughout the ages, and bringing us to the present time. It wasn't until just a few days before we recorded that we added the ending in Hebrew, which is a verse from Psalms that says, " Your Kingdom and Your Throne is established forever."
Koveh Adonai
All of our songs usually come from the things that we go through, both joyful and through times of struggle. This song came to us as a sweet melody and reminded us of the wings of Eagles that HaShem gives to us when we are in trouble.
Out of Bozra
In the book of Isaiah there is a Messianic prophesy that tells of the return of Messiah, not as a small baby like He came in Bethlehem, but as a conquering King on a white horse. The reference here in Isaiah refers to the kinsman redeemer Abraham who came, because of his covenant to Lot, to rescue him and his family from the 5 kings who had carried them away. Lot was out of favor with Abraham, and yet, because of the covenant, Abraham kept his Word. In addition to rescuing Lot and his family, he also rescued a multitude of Gentiles who had been taken away with Lot. What a parallel with Messiah who comes to rescue His people, even those who may be out of favor, and with them the multitude of Gentiles! He is MIGHTY to SAVE!
ABOUT THE CD (Day of Messiah)
DAY OF MESSIAH is a collection of songs about the Messiannic Age when our dear Mashiach will be here on earth leading the world in the righteousness of Torah:
- DAY OF MESSIAH challenges us to live each day as if it were the last.
- JERUSALEM SHALL RISE reminds us of His forever unbreakable covenant with His people and the Place where He wrote His Name.
- ANA BECHOACH is the call of our people towards His everlasting mercies.
- SHOMER ISRAEL answers the previous call reminding us He is our Guardian, Shepherd, Redeemer, Rock and King.
- ELIYAHU HANAVI tells us of the history of eternal prophecies about His coming
- UNE ETERNITE is the longing and hope of a people waiting for His retrun
- TODA ABBA tells of our grateful hearts for growth and maturation through many tribulations and tears while waiting
- ADONAI YIREI tells of His history in the Patriarchs throughout the ages
- SONG TO THE SHULAMITE is a distillation of His words of love and longing towards us, His people, His Bride
- GINAT AHAVAH sees Him in the Garden enjoying His time with us
- NIGGUN L"OMER reminds us of some of His precious words just before leaving for His long journey.
A Personal Note.... "With God, nothing shall be impossible..." (from Christine)
When I was six years old, my mother was a nurse at the Mt. Hood Kiwanis summer camp for Disabled Children. It was an amazing experience for me to mingle with all the disabled children that were there, including the blind, the deaf, and those with Down's Syndrome, among other disabilities. What stands out to me especially though, were two blind girls who were there. Their names were Holly and Polly and they played piano! In fact, they started to teach me to play "Chopsticks" and "Heart and Soul"! That was the beginning of my piano lessons.
At age 13, I was taking piano lessons from the Dean of Music at the University of Portland. Tthat summer, I went to a special guitar summer camp with my $5 used guitar, and learned to play guitar. That put a halt to my piano playing for quite awhile. I started playing with the church choir and singing my heart out. Then, at one practice, the choir director asked everyone find a note, and when she came to me, I was all over the place...looking for the note. "Christine," she said to me, "You can play your guitar, but PLEASE, DON'T sing!" Ha!
Finally someone took a little time to teach me to find the right pitch, and I finally learned to sing on key. So, take it from me..... if you think you can't sing, don't believe it! Unless you are hearing impaired, you can learn to sing. (I can teach anyone to sing on key now. Don't believe me? I will teach you to sing on key, or your money back!)
At age 13, I was taking piano lessons from the Dean of Music at the University of Portland. Tthat summer, I went to a special guitar summer camp with my $5 used guitar, and learned to play guitar. That put a halt to my piano playing for quite awhile. I started playing with the church choir and singing my heart out. Then, at one practice, the choir director asked everyone find a note, and when she came to me, I was all over the place...looking for the note. "Christine," she said to me, "You can play your guitar, but PLEASE, DON'T sing!" Ha!
Finally someone took a little time to teach me to find the right pitch, and I finally learned to sing on key. So, take it from me..... if you think you can't sing, don't believe it! Unless you are hearing impaired, you can learn to sing. (I can teach anyone to sing on key now. Don't believe me? I will teach you to sing on key, or your money back!)
Day of Messiah
'Day of Messiah' is a challenge to remind us that His coming is upon us at any time and that at any time in any day we should be found doing the work of faithful servants in His employ.
In 1967 the Jewish people regained control of the beloved city God had given them. This signifies the completion of the time of the Gentiles as was said by our Beloved Master that Jerusalem shall be trampled by the nations until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled (Luke 21:24). We , the Jewish nation can now rejoice that the favor of the Almighty Hashem who in times past miraculously brought us out of Egypt into the Promised Land of His will has returned to us after 2,000 years of exile.
Each year Israel celebrates this day of the 6-day war on a calendar date called: Jerusalem Day. This song, inspired by a year-long study of the Aftarah in 2010,
was written for Jerusalem Day 2011.
Each year Israel celebrates this day of the 6-day war on a calendar date called: Jerusalem Day. This song, inspired by a year-long study of the Aftarah in 2010,
was written for Jerusalem Day 2011.
Let's remember together that He is the Great and Awesome Guardian, Redeemer, Rock and, most of all, King of Israel - yesterday, today and forever.
Ana Bechoach
The "Ana B'koach is a Kabbalistic poem of unknown authorship, although traditionally it is attributed to a sage of the second century. C.E. It pleads for Israel's redemption from exile; (may it be soon, even in our days!).
Its seven lines of six words each - their first letters spelling out a secret divine name - have served as the basis of much mystical speculation.
The Ana B'koach prayer is recited on Friday evening during the Kabbalat Shabbbat Service just prior to the singing of L'cha Dodi.
In recent year Israeli singer Ovadiah Chamama's rendition of this complaint put in song has made it a top hit in Israel. He graciously gave us permission to share it with you n this CD.
Its seven lines of six words each - their first letters spelling out a secret divine name - have served as the basis of much mystical speculation.
The Ana B'koach prayer is recited on Friday evening during the Kabbalat Shabbbat Service just prior to the singing of L'cha Dodi.
In recent year Israeli singer Ovadiah Chamama's rendition of this complaint put in song has made it a top hit in Israel. He graciously gave us permission to share it with you n this CD.
This ancient niggun has been adapted in 4 parts divided by a melodic theme. The first 2 times the theme is played with a recorder, without words. The 3rd time the "Hoshyah nah/Hosannah/ Please save us" words are sung with us by Hope, our teenage guest artist, but only to return to the recorder the fourth time.
This is to symbolise 4,000 of Messianic prophetic history since the days of Abraham in whom all the families of the earth should be blessed till today.
The first 2 times represent the first 2,000 years of unseen Messianic reality from Abraham to Yeshua. In the 3rd millenium of history after Abraham, the Messiah is manifested to all and the crowds cheered 'Hoshiah nah' on that Passover festival. The Meesiah presently is once again hidden from our eyes, so the 4th theme is played again with the recorder.
There will be a 5th time when the whole world will sing the arrival of Yeshua, not as meek and tiny baby this time,but as an angry jealous king coming to redeem and avenge His people. As the only legitimate King of Israel, He will come and sit on His throne in Jerusalem and govern the world with the justice of Torah, His people beside Him. May it be soon even in our days!
This is to symbolise 4,000 of Messianic prophetic history since the days of Abraham in whom all the families of the earth should be blessed till today.
The first 2 times represent the first 2,000 years of unseen Messianic reality from Abraham to Yeshua. In the 3rd millenium of history after Abraham, the Messiah is manifested to all and the crowds cheered 'Hoshiah nah' on that Passover festival. The Meesiah presently is once again hidden from our eyes, so the 4th theme is played again with the recorder.
There will be a 5th time when the whole world will sing the arrival of Yeshua, not as meek and tiny baby this time,but as an angry jealous king coming to redeem and avenge His people. As the only legitimate King of Israel, He will come and sit on His throne in Jerusalem and govern the world with the justice of Torah, His people beside Him. May it be soon even in our days!
UNE ETERNITE (An Eternity)
This song is particularly close to my heart. When I was single, I walked into a friend's house and heard this beautiful song on one of those old small compact tape recorders. When I asked who was singing, I was told that it was a guy named Patrick. I managed to get a copy of this tape, that he had recorded by himself on a similar tape recorder. I fell in love with these songs that Patrick had written and I would put the tape recorder under my pillow and listen to them. One of the songs on this tape was "Une Eternite". I learned to harmonize with the song through listening to that tape, and had the opportunity to sing my harmony along with Patrick at a later worship service, much to his surprise. He was wondering who was singing with his song? This song was the beginning of our relationship, and therefore it has a very special meaning to me, even above and beyond the very beautiful Messianic Promise that this song is about. And as I grew to know Patrick and through our marriage, I realized how important an event it was for him to have found Yeshua, the Messiah and the impact it had on his life.
This song is a song of hope - the hope of Messiah's return. A song of strength in spite of trials and difficulty. A promise of Eternity.
P.S by Patrick:
This song was written in the spring of 1979 on the day known as Yom Habikurim/Firsfruits. This song speaks with great hope of the return of Messiah after having been cruelly executed in accordance to God's will and predicted by the prophets. It is significant that Passover signifies the death of Messiah. Firsfruits, the day when the High-Priest lifts the omer, the firstfruit of the barley crop to the sky in order to thank the Almighty God who made heaven and earth, is also the time when the first/beginning of Hashem's creation is also raised from the earth, which in turns initiates the resurrection of the Israel, God's firstborn.
This song is a song of hope - the hope of Messiah's return. A song of strength in spite of trials and difficulty. A promise of Eternity.
P.S by Patrick:
This song was written in the spring of 1979 on the day known as Yom Habikurim/Firsfruits. This song speaks with great hope of the return of Messiah after having been cruelly executed in accordance to God's will and predicted by the prophets. It is significant that Passover signifies the death of Messiah. Firsfruits, the day when the High-Priest lifts the omer, the firstfruit of the barley crop to the sky in order to thank the Almighty God who made heaven and earth, is also the time when the first/beginning of Hashem's creation is also raised from the earth, which in turns initiates the resurrection of the Israel, God's firstborn.
Song to the Shulamite
This song has been in incubation for over 10 years. Hidden in the pages of an old songbook we have uncovered and birthed it for this CD. This song is based on the Song of Solomon, an allegorical story about Messiah's forever unchanging love for His bride of old: Israel. In the Song as written in the Tanach, Jerusalem misses the day of her visitation. She desperately runs through her dangerous streets in search of her beloved. She gets used and abused, but the promise remains that at the end of days, the Beloved returns to her to bring her back to His side forever. May it be soon, even in our days!
The verses chosen are those expressing Messiah's tender words of love to His bride. They are found in the following places of Shir HaShirim/the Song of Solomon: 2:2; 4:1,3,6,9-16; 5:2; 6:9; 7:5,6,9; 8:6.
The verses chosen are those expressing Messiah's tender words of love to His bride. They are found in the following places of Shir HaShirim/the Song of Solomon: 2:2; 4:1,3,6,9-16; 5:2; 6:9; 7:5,6,9; 8:6.
Todah Abba
Sometimes after our Shabbat afternoon fellowship at our home, we will pull out the musical instruments and start singing. Sometimes our songs turn into a "Niggun" where we will sing some phrase over and over as we worship. This song is the result of one of these sessions that we later developed. Todah Abba (Thank You Father) needs to always be on our lips, in spite of whatever trial or tribulation we may face. The trials and tests, sickness, suffering, and heartbreaks are all a part of our curriculum and help us to draw closer to the Father. It is an important part of our spiritual walk; learning to praise and keep our faith, no matter what may befall.
Niggun L'Omer
Nigguns are a wonderful way of praise and worship. We usually start with some simple melody and it is repeated with slight variations. Soon everyone is singing along in unity. The words are easy and usually consist mostly of "Lai Lai Lai". We can visualize everyone sitting around a campfire, singing and praising. This Niggun L'Omer has a special theme: the Words spoken by Yeshuah the Messiah from the time of the Ressurection to the Ascension, spoken in Hebrew.
Follow with us the history of the Messianic Lamb all the way through Abraham, Moses and Yeshua ...
Guinat Ahavah is nicely tucked between "Song to the Shulamite" and "Niggun L'Omer". As the Messiah comes to His beloved Shulamite, He descends to the almond grove (Song Of Songs 6:11; 7:12-13: 4:16) and enjoys an evening in the 'shoshanim' (lilies or roses).
The presence of the Resurrected One is made sure in Niggun L'Omer procaiming some of the precious words spoken during the time of His presence in our midst during the Omer.
The presence of the Resurrected One is made sure in Niggun L'Omer procaiming some of the precious words spoken during the time of His presence in our midst during the Omer.