Lyrics and Chords
- Day of Messiah
- Chag Sameach
- Koveh Adonai
Day of Messiah (Click here for info on the song) Em D Em
What will we do in the Day of Messiah? Em D Em What will we do in the Day that He comes? Em D Em What will we do in the Day of Mashiach? C D Em When He comes to conquer the Land? Chorus: C D Em When the shofar will sound Jubilee C D Em The captives at last will be free C D To replenish the earth C D Bring life and rebirth C B Em When the Lion of Judah will reign Em D Em Who’ll take the stand in the Day of Messiah? Em D Em Who’ll be strong in the day that He comes? Em D Em Who will be found in the Day of Mashiach C D Em Faithful to keep His commands? (report Chorus) “Lai lai lai lai….” Bridge (Am Em B Em E7) © 2011 by Patrick/Christine Lumbroso |
Todah Abba (Click here for info on the song)Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba Em D Em D Toda Abba for my tribulations that helped me see the light Em D Em Toda Abba for suffering born of pain Em D Em D Toda Abba for this restoration that gave me blessed sight Em D Em Your tender love has blotted out the pain. Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba Em D Toda Abba Toda Abba |
Une Eternite (French)
An Eternity
Song to the Shulamite
Jerusalem shall Rise
Adonai Y'reiEm Am
Abraham came down from the mountain B Em B Holding God’s Promise and plan Em Am Believing the Words of the Father B Em Would cover the sins of the Land REFRAIN: Am Em Am Em God will provide -- ADONAI y’rei Am Em B The required price of the Great I AM! Am Em Am Em A son whom he loved --- to be given away Am Em Bsus B7 But saved through the blood of a ram. CHORUS 1: Em Am Redeemed, Redeemed, B Em B Redeemed through the blood of a ram Em Am Redeemed, Redeemed, B Em Redeemed through the blood of a ram Verse 2: Em Am Moshe came down from the mountain B Em B Tablets of stone in his hands Em Am The Words to instruct His people B Em To cover the sins the land REFRAIN: Am Em Am Em God will provide – Adonai y’rei Am Em B The required price of the Great I AM! Am Em Am Em One of the flock – to be given away Am Em Bsus B7 Saved through the blood of a lamb |
Adonai Y'rei (Cont.)CHORUS 2: Em Am Redeemed, Redeemed, B Em B Redeemed through the blood of a lamb Em Am Redeemed, Redeemed, B C D Redeemed through the blood of a lamb F#m Bm Yeshua came down from the mountain C# F#m C# Blood on His feet and His hands F#m Bm The only begotten of the Father C# F#m To cover the sins of the land. REFRAIN: Bm F#m God has provided -- Adonai Y’rei Bm F#m C# Yeshua – Son of the Great I AM! Bm F#m A son whom God loved, was given away Bm F#m C# We are saved through the blood of the Lamb CHORUS 3: F#m Bm Redeemed, Redeemed, C# F#m C# Redeemed through the blood of a lamb F#m Bm Redeemed, Redeemed, C# F#m C# Redeemed through the blood of a lamb © 7/2011 by Patrick/Christine Lumbroso |
WE BEG THEE TranslationWe beg thee with the strength and greatness of Thy Right Arm -
Untangle our knotted fate. Accept your people's song, Elevate and purify us Please, Heroic One, those who pursue Your uniqueness- guard them as the pupil of an eye. Bless them, purify, them, pity them, May Your righteousness always reward them. Powerful and Holy One, In goodness, lead Your flock. Unique and Proud One, to your people turn, who remember Your holiness. Accept our cries, and hear our screams, oh Knower of Mysteries. (Blessed is the name of His noble kingdom forever and ever.) Hebrew Text for Ana B'Choach![]() אנא בכח, גדולת ימינך, תתיר צרורה
קבל רינת, עמך שגבנו, טהרנו, טהרנו נורא נא גיבור דורשי יחודך, כבבת שמרם, ברכם טהרם, רחמי צדקתך תמיד גמלם, חסין קדוש ברב טובך, נהל עדתֶך יחיד גאה לעמך פנה, זוכרי קדושתך שועתנו קבל ושמע צעקתנו, יודע תעלומות |
HEBREW LYRICSאליהו הנביא
אליהו התשבי, אליהו הגלעדי -במהרה יבוא אלינו עם משיח בן דוד ELIYAHU HANAVIELIJAH THE PROPHET
Elijah the prophet Elijah the Tishbite Elijah the Giladite - May he soon (in our days) come to us, with the messiah son of David. |
GINAT AHAVAH(Click here for info on the song)
Em Am7 Em B7 Em El ginat egoz yara---d'--ti Am Em Am lir'ot be'ivei hanachal Em lir'ot hafrachah Hagefen Am7 D Em henetzu harimonim BRIDGE Em Am B Em Lai lai lai Em Am Erev shel shoshanim Em Nitzeh na el habustan Bm Mor besamim ulevona Em Leraglech miftan. Em Am Layla yored le'at Em Veru'ach shoshan noshvah Bm Havah elchash lach shir balat Em Zemer shel ahava Em Am Shachar homa yonah G Roshech maleh t'lalim Em Bm Pich el haboker shoshana Em Ektefenu li. MELODY: Dm Am7 B7 Em Em7 shalom shalom shalom shalom, Dm Am7 B7 Em shalom shalom shalom shalom, |
To the nut grove I went down Into the nut tree grove, To see the green plants of the valley, To see whether the vine budded, And the pomegranates were in flower. Let us get up early to the vineyards. Let us see whether the vine has budded, Its blossom is open, And the pomegranates are in flower. There I will give you my love. HEBREW LYRICS FOR EL GINAT EGOZCOMING SOON!
Evening of roses - Let's go out to the grove Myrrh, perfumes, and incense are a threshold at your feet. The night falls slowly. A breeze of roses blows. Let me whisper a song to you quietly - A song of love. At dawn, a dove is cooing. Your hair is filled with dew. Your lips to the morning are like a rose I'll pick it for myself. HEBREW LYRICS FOR EREV SHEL SHOSHANIMערב של שושנים נצא נא אל הבוסתן
מור בשמים ולבונהלרגלך מפתן. לילה יורד לאט ורוח שושן נושבה הבה אלחש לך שיר בלאט זמר של אהבה. שחר הומה יונה ראשך מלא טללים פיך אל הבוקר, שושנה. אקטפנו לי... |
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Chag Sameach
Dm Pharaoh cast all baby Hebrew boys into the Nile Gm F Em A Thinking he would feed them to the hungry crocodiles Dm Adonai upon His throne who heard their cries of woe Gm F C Dm Spoke to Moses from the Burning Bush' "Let My people go". C Dm C Dm Moses heeded God's instructions, followed what He said C Dm A Dm God's children were free at last and Pharaoh's men were dead CHORUS: (2x) Dm C Dm Chag Sameach, chag sameach sissou vesimchou Dm A Dm Chag Sameach, chag sameach sissou vesimchou Dm Haman cast the lots to try to wipe out every Jew Gm F Em A Thinking of the evil things that to them he would do Dm Adonai, upon His throne, with Mordechai His man Gm F C Dm And Queen Esther, they together spoiled the evil plan C Dm C Dm Esther heeded God's instructions, followed what He said C Dm A Dm God's children were safe but Haman and his sons were dead! (Repeat Chorus) Dm Antiochus cast his evil eyes upon God's Land Gm F Em A To ensure that it would fall into his godless hands Dm Adonai, upon His throne, chose a family Gm F C Dm To hammer down the enemy, they were Maccabees C Dm C Dm Mathias heeded God's instructions followed what He said C Dm A Dm The Temple was rededicated, the evil armies fled! (Repeat Chorus) (Interlude Clarinet) Em Herod sent his soldiers up to Bethlehem, the town Am G F#m B Thinking he could steal away our Messiah's crown Em The promises in the Book are so very plain Am G D Em Our Messiah rose again, He'll come back to reign D Em D Em We will follow His instruction, His Torah we will learn D Em B Em There'll be peace forever and the Enemy will burn! 2nd CHORUS: (2x) Em D Em Chag Sameach, chag sameach sissou vesimchou Em B Em Chag Sameach, chag sameach sissou vesimchou The Benediction
Into: Bb Dm C Dm (Piano Lead) Dm C Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yishmerekha (ken y'hi ratzon) Dm C Ya’er Adonai panav eleikha vichunekka (ken y'hi ratzon) Bb Dm C Dm Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v’yasem l’kha shalom (2x) Yi Yi Yi Yi Chords as in verse above Vocals continue while English is spoken May Adonai Bless you and keep you May Adonai make His face shine on you and show you His favor May Adonai lift up His face toward you and give you peace Yi Yi Yi Yi HASHIVENU
Traditional Bm Em Bm Em Hashi-venu, Hashi-venu Bm F# Bm Adonai, eleiha Bm Em Bm Em Vena-shuva, Bm F# Bm Vena-shuva Bm Em Bm Em Cha-desh, Cha-desh Bm F# Bm Ya-meinu ke-ke-dem The Reverence
Dm Gm Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu C Dm Adonai Echad (2X) F C Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Bb Dm Adonai Echad (2X) Dm To You Adonai is the greatness and the Power C Dm Glory and Victory and Majesty Dm Everything that is in the Heaven C And the earth is yours A Dm Yours is the Kingdom, Adonai G C A Exalted Head over all Dm Exalt Adonai and worship at his footstool C Dm Holy is He Dm Exalt Adonai and worship at His Holy Hill C Dm For Holy is Adonai C Dm For Holy is the Lord our God (Repeat Beginning Sh’ma and fade out) Traditional © music composed by C. Lumbroso 2012 Wayfaring Stranger
Traditional Dm I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger Gm Dm A wandering through this world of woe There is no sickness, toil nor danger Gm In that bright land to which I go Dm I know dark clouds will gather 'round me Gm Dm I know my way is rough and steep Dm But golden fields lie just before me Gm Dm Where God's redeemed no more shall weep Bb F I’m going there with my Mashiach Bb A I’m going there no more to roam Dm I’m just a goin’ over Jordan Gm Dm I’m just a goin’ over Home Dm I want to see Redemption’s story Gm Dm I’m going with those People of God Dm I’m going to that Mount of Glory Gm Dm When I get home to my bright land. © Traditional |
Piano Intro C#m F#m G#sus F#m G# C#m Chorus: C#m F#m Behind the veil B E It has been long foretold C#m F#m G#m C#m There’s a fountain for the cleansing of our souls C#m F#m Behind the veil, B E The secret place divine C#m F#m G#m C#m Where the heart of man and Adonai entwine. Verse 1 F#m C#m In the dark sanctuary F#m C#m A man walks solitary B E He brings the token of repentant cries F#m G# To the feet of Adonai El Shaddai F#m C#m Lord we come with hearts aflame F#m C#m We will not remain the same B E Restore us to Yourself, O Blessed One F#m G# Through Your Right Hand, Your Only Begotten Son Verse 2 F#m C#m As was written by the sages F#m C#m And was promised through the ages B E Mashiach takes our sin and shame F#m G# We’re healed in His Mighty Name. Chorus or as led) © Patrick and Christine Lumbroso 2011 Give Me Wings
Ps 27:1,2 Ps 55: 11-14 Intro: Dm C Bb Chorus: Dm Adonai - my Light and my Salvation C Dm Of whom shall I be afraid? Dm Adonai – my Rock , my Redemption C Dm Why should I be dismayed? Verse: C Dm Pain and Anguish burn within me C Dm And nights of terror, O my soul, C Dm Fear and trembling have come upon me C Like a cankor, these horrors Bb Dm pursue and devour me whole Refrain: Bb Give me wings, that I may fly Dm Give me wind, that I may soar C6 Like a dove to fly away A7 And find rest Repeat Chorus Verse: C If it were an enemy, Dm This pain I could bear it C Or an adversary, Dm I surely could hide C But my friend, my companion, Dm One of my kind C Turned away though once in God’s House we had walked side Bb Dm by side. (side by side) Refrain/ High Vocals/Refrain Chorus Repeat last line Christine Lumbroso © March 2012 Tikatev
(Chorus) Gm F May your name be written in the Book of Life - Tik a Tev Gm F May your name be written in the Book of Life – Tik a tev Eb D V’ Ti Chatam --- ooooh (2nd time l’Shana Tova on last line) ( 2 X ) D Gm He that overcomes Shall be dressed in white D Gm He that overcomes; He shall be forever written in the Book of Life (Repeat Chorus) (Second Verse:) D Gm Yil bash Ham’natzeach b’gadim levanim D Gm Velo emchay , Velo emchay et sh’mo mi sefer cha hayim (Repeat Chorus) (Repeat whole song) © Patrick and Christine Lumbroso 2012 Worthy Is the Lamb
Intro: Em/E Em/D Em/C Em/B Em/A Piano arpeggio Em You alone are Worthy Em You alone are worthy Am Lion of the tribe of Yehuda Em Blessed Holy Lamb of God Em You alone are worthy Em You alone are worthy, Am Lion of the tribe of Yehuda Em Blessed Holy Lamb of God Am Weep no longer, weep no longer G Am Blessed is the Root of David Am Weep no longer, weep no longer G B Em Blessed is the Lamb that was slain (Repeat from Beginning, Add Interlude) Am F Blessing Glory and Honor Dm G Am To the Lamb that was Slain Am F Power, Glory and Honor Dm G Am To the Lamb that was Slain (2X) Last time repeat last line 3x; end with piano Coda (Am F Dm Am) © Christine/Patrick Lumbroso October 2012 |
Koveh Adonai
Dm He is coming, out of Bozra Dm C Dm Stained with crimson, Mighty to save Dm In His glory, Strength and splendor Dm C Dm He is mighty, Mighty to save CHORUS: Dm What's the meaning of the scarlet garments Stained and soiled, from pressing out the wine? Dm Time has come to trample out the vintage It is the Day, the Day of Jubilee. (Repeat first part with Lai, Lai, Lai and repeat chorus) Em He is coming, out of Bozra Em D Em Stained with crimson, Mighty to save Em In His glory, Strength and splendor Em D Em He is mighty, Mighty to save CHORUS 2: Em What's the meaning of the scarlet garments Stained and soiled, from pressing out the wine? Em Time has come to trample out the vintage It is the Day, the Day of Jubilee. Repeat Lai Lai Lai Lai (Dm) Musical interlude (like intro) BRIDGE: Dm Through times of trouble and tribulation Through famine, earthquakes, and starvation C He is Yeshua and our Salvation, Dm From Creation to Revelation He is mighty, mighty to save Back to beginning. (Mighty to save 3 times) Intro/Coda |
The Ancient Olive Tree
Am East of Jerusalem, there is an ancient Olive Tree Dm That bears the marks of tragic history E7 Twisted branches struggle, reaching for the sky F E7 Am Groaning for redemption that is nigh Am Tell me, Olive Tree, what is the secret that you hold, Dm I see within you branches new and old E7 Like a tender shoot springing up from within F E7 Am This branch of David bring us victory? CHORUS: F Dm Beaten in sorrows, Hidden in Shadows Am Watered by the tears of passers-by F Dm Pressed in agony; Crushed by calumny F Bleeds the oil of the anointing E7 For the Coronation of the King of Kings… Am As the birthing of the grandchild delights the silver hair Dm New growth is strengthened by ancestral care E7 To give meaning to the twisting of life’s sharp and cruel hand F E7 Am To establish all together in The Land. KOVEH ADONAI
Intro ONE TIME! (Piano Em, D, C, Em 2x) Em D Koveh Adonai וְקוֹיֵ יְהוָה C Em Yachalifu cho'ach יַחֲלִיפוּ כֹחַ, Em D C Em Ya'alu ever k'nasharim יַעֲלוּ אֵבֶר כַּנְּשָׁרִים; Em D C Em Yarutzu, yarutzu, v'lo yi- ga'u יָרוּצוּ וְלֹא יִיגָעוּ, Em D C Em Yal'chu, yal'chu, v'lo eeyahfu יֵלְכוּ וְלֹא יִיעָפוּ. REFRAIN NIGGUN (as led) LAI LAI LAI (Em D C Em) Em D He who puts his trust in Adonai C Em He shall never falter Em D He who puts his trust in Adonai C Em He shall not be moved. Em D He who trusts in El Shaddai C Em He shall grow the wings of eagles Em D He shall run and not be weary C Em He shall walk and shall not faint. Intro 2x, Hebrew Acapella, Intro 1x © Patrick and Christine Lumbroso December 2013 |
Go'Aleinu Chai (Still updating...)
Go'el - Kinsman Redeemer |